Class and Professionalism
Effectively kicking off competition tomorrow with some friendlies, I wanted to make sure that our parent group and I are on the same page regarding an important issue.
I always struggle with this early-season email. I don’t want to tell parents how to act and how to parent. At the end of the day, the families on this team are this club’s clients. They are paying customers who all make sacrifices to have their girls on this team. This doesn’t go unnoticed by me.
As a business owner, I live by the adage that the customer is always right. I bend over backwards and make concessions to unhappy clients whenever I need to…that’s just the way I role.
The difference here is that though these parents are paying customers, they are paying me to coach. Paying me for my knowledge, my guidance, and my experience - and this is what always pushes me over the edge when I hesitate to send emails like this.